Using Reclaimed Timber to Produce High Quality Chip for Wood-based Panel Industry Improvement of Chipping Line for MDF 利用废旧木料生产人造板用高质量的木片中密度纤维板木片制备生产线的改造
After the cutting license has been obtained according to the law, the competent forestry authorities shall issue transport documentation to the timber cut in line with the provisions of the license when it is transported out of the forest districts. 依法取得采伐许可证后,按照许可证的规定采伐的木材,从林区运出时,林业主管部门应当发给运输证件。
( biology) living or growing above the timber line. (生物学)生活或者生长在林线以上。
Quality of five buildings in the south gate of Temple is very particular about the tall hall, exquisite carving, fine timber, as a symbol of the family line. 南门五祠建筑在质量上非常讲究,高大的厅堂、精致的雕饰、上等的用材,成为光宗耀祖的一种象征。
The growing demand for timber has exceeded the forest under the bottom line, improve the operational efficiency of the timber supply chain, reduce the resources in the waste to become one of the most important way to alleviate forest pressure in the timber production process. 日益增长的原木需求量已超出森林的承受底线,提高原木供应链的运作效率,降低原木生产流程中的资源浪费成为缓解森林压力的最主要途径之一。